We compose the company all the persons and believe that the diversity creates wealth. The companies we are formed by persons, that we are that we give them the value to the brands, to the organizations. We make a sense of responsibility with our environment and try to work for the local development, as for our groups of interest and contributing our granite of sand not only to the economic development, but also to the social development.
Our commitment to construct a more equitable company happens for our adhesion to initiatives as:
- The World Agreement of the United Nations, a global initiative that chases the fact that the companies, the business are sustainable. The organizations and signatory companies we compromise ourselves to the assumption of ten beginning based on human, labor, environmental rights and of fight against the corruption.
- Also we stick fast to the Jointly responsible offer of Foundation Manifest for the ' Corresponsabilidad: Towards a Social Shared, initiatory Responsibility of voluntary character in which the signatories we promise to be JOINTLY RESPONSIBLE in the most just construction of a company, solidary, sustainable and united, across the assumption of five beginning.
Nuestro compromiso con la sociedad ha hecho que en nuestra actividad empresarial incorporemos proyectos sociales con entidades externas, aunque sabemos que filantropía no es responsabilidad social.
This social labor has done to us winners of the national prize Trousers 2012, which recognizes the most out-standing and innovative national offers, destined to improve the quality of life of the persons.