One of our beginning is " to do what we can do well ". The areas of knowledge that we work (quality, sustainability) are very transverse, so that after the implantation of a qualit system there can arise the need to realize, for example, a survey of labor climate. Because of it, since we know that there are topics in which we are not expert, we have surrounded ourselves with a group of professionals across which we give service to our clients in those complementary areas to our tabajo of consultancy, sustainability, acoustics and training.
Trough our collaborators' network we offer:
- environmental Measurements additional to the acoustics (atmosphere, residues, spillages, soils, etc)
- strategic Consultancy: persons' management, plans of communication, etc
- food Security
Por eso, como sabemos que hay temas en los que no somos expertos, nos hemos rodeado de un grupo de profesionales a través de los cuales damos servicio a nuestros clientes en aquellas áreas complementarias a nuestro tabajo de consultoría, sostenibilidad, acústica y formación.
A través de nuestra red de colaboradores ofrecemos:
- Mediciones ambientales adicionales a las acústicas (atmósfera, residuos, vertidos, suelos, etc)
- Consultoría estratégica: gestión de personas, planes de comunicación, etc
- Seguridad alimentaria