In Acusmed, the persons we represent the fundamental assets that allows us to support a high level of quality in the services that we offer and to reach the aims fixed as for social responsibility and sustainability. We speak about persons and not about human resources, speak about equipment, about collaboration, about empathy.
In this respect, the respect, the motivation and satisfaction of the persons that we are employed at Acusmed are elements key to manage and retain the talent and to guarantee the health and the job safety, by means of the constant dialog and the implication of the human equipment in the constant improvement of the company.
We have explicit commitments in favour of the equality of opportunities and in opposition to the discrimination for reasons of kind, generation, etnia or disability. To standing out:
- Our internal procedure of conciliation and flexibility, directed the persons that we are employed at ACUSMED in order that the company facilitates the personal and labor life and is not an obstacle to be happy. We have a Plan of Equality that contemplates measures of conciliation: measures for protection of the pregnancy and the maternity, measures to assure the hourly flexibility (bag of hours, summer schedule, Fridays evenings should free, possibility of telecommuting, procedures for the prevention of the labor harassment…
- From August, 2011, we stick fast to the Charter of the Diversity (Diversity Foundation) initiative of voluntary character that there has as end support and promulgate the beginning of the incorporation of the diversity, the fight against any form of discrimination and the promotion of the equality of opportunities in our job environment.
- We have a code of ethics of conduct that regulates internal and external activities in relation with personnel, environment and groups of interest.
- Our system of evaluation of the performance and remuneration, which allows us to put his personal aims of improvement and to evaluate us from time to time.
All this has done that the Fnudación Alares was rewarding us in 2012, with the NATIONAL PRIZE TROUSERS TO THE SMALL ENTERPRISE, award that recognizes the most out-standing and innovative national offers, destined to improve the quality of life of the persons.